Sexual Assault – Acquittal

Our client was charged with sexual assault with a weapon. He had been involved in a romantic relationship with a person. One morning he went over to her apartment to ask that they no longer see each other. He was accused of performing sexual acts against the complainant’s will while holding a knife against her throat. Defence Action Our Client …

Uttering Threats – Acquittal

The client was charged with uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm and mischief. On the day in question, he was served with legal documents by a process server on his property. He was accused of threatening this individual and kicking his vehicle. Defence Action Ms. Verdurmen questioned the process server and police officers involved with the file. Her …

Stolen Vehicle & Firearm Possession – Charges Dropped

The client was observed trying to get a truck unstuck at a property full of snow. Police were called and arrested the person for being in possession of a stolen vehicle as well as having in his possession a firearm. The person was incarcerated while waiting for his trial. Defence Action Ms. Verdurmen had the client’s detention reviewed in British …

Immediate Roadside Prohibition – Overturned

The client was observed by a police officer in the driver’s seat of a truck next to a mailbox. His friend was in the passenger seat. The client provided breath samples and was arrested for drinking and driving. Defence Action Ms. Verdurmen argued to the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles that the police officer was unable to observe that the person …