Book a consultation to discuss your case.
The longer you wait the fewer options you have.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation to review available options.
What to expect during your initial consult
Every consultation (whether via telephone, Zoom, or in person) follows the same 4-step process, which takes about 30-60 minutes depending on the complexity of the case.
STEP 1: Collect your information to help you better
The first step in the process is to gather some personal information about you. Although you may be concerned about revealing personal information to anyone, anything you say is completely confidential and held to the highest privacy standards.STEP 2: Review your court documents
We carefully review your court documents (and any other documents you might want to show us that may impact your case). Everyone charged with an offence has at least some basic court documents given to them by the police. It is important to review those documents in detail to ensure we know (and you know) what they say.STEP 3: Review of what happened in your own words
The third step in the process is to fully understand what happened through your eyes. Whenever possible, and if you haven’t already done so, we will try to distill your storyline to writing. Generally, we want to understand the background and lead up to the allegations. Sometimes it’s as simple as understanding what happened earlier in the day; sometimes it’s important to understand what transpired weeks or even years leading up to the charges.STEP 4: Explanation of court process, fees, & how we can help
The fourth step is explaining what’s next, and what we can do to help. We understand that for most people, this is the first time having any contact with the criminal justice system. You might not be sure what to expect, what will happen in court, how long things will take, how much everything will cost, and whether there is even any hope. Rest assured we will go through every step and answer every question to make sure you understand the process and feel confident in the value we can add to your defense. No matter what the circumstance, if you have been charged we a criminal offence, we know we can help.Book A Consult
Glenn Verdurmen: 250.804.9149
Dominique Verdurmen: 250.804.5588