Widely Experienced & Completely Bilingual
Our firm is able to provide a bilingual service to our clients in both official languages of Canada: English and French.
The Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Beaulac, [1999] recognized that a person accused of a crime can have a trial in either official languages of Canada to which they have a sufficient connection to. We recommend that an accused person contact a bilingual lawyer quickly because an application to have a trial heard in English or French has to be made within a certain amount of time.
Ms. Verdurmen is bilingual and studied law at the McGill University in both languages. She has provided a complete defence to each of her clients in the official language of their choice.
La firme Verdurmen LLP offre un service juridique complet dans les deux langues officielles: le français et l’anglais.
La Cour Suprême du Canada dans l’arrêt R. v. Beaulac, [1999] a reconnu à l'accusé un droit absolu à l’accès à la langue officielle estimée être la sienne devant les tribunaux criminels. Il est recommandé d’obtenir rapidement un avocat bilingue puisque la demande qu’un procès soit entendu en français ou en anglais doit être complétée en temps opportun.
Madame Verdurmen est bilingue et a étudié le droit à l’Université McGill dans les deux langues. Elle offre une défense complète dans la langue du choix de chacun de ses clients.

Glenn Verdurmen
Glenn has developed expertise with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He has dealt extensively with an individual’s rights to counsel and right to be secure from unlawful search and seizure.
Glenn enjoys a very balanced lifestyle in the Shuswap area; he continues to be an avid soccer player, cyclist, runner and downhill skier.
You can contact Glenn via his Legal Assistant, Kelly Brouwer.Email: kelly@verdurmenlaw.com
Tel: (250) 833-0914 ext. 201

Dominique Verdurmen
Membre de l'Association des Juristes d'expression française de la Colombie-BritanniqueDominique Verdurmen graduated from McGill University with her Bachelor of Civil Law and LLB from McGill. During her law degree Dominique competed for the Sopinka Cup, which is a prestigious national mock court competition. Dominique competed against eight teams and with her team member, Kelsey Angeley, won first place.
During her articles with Verdurmen Muto Wynne Lawyers, LLP, Dominique gained experience in the practice of criminal, family, corporate, real estate, and wills and estates law. She was called to the bar on February 5, 2020.
Dominique can assist you in navigating the complexities of the legal system. She believes that the presumption of innocence never waivers at any stage of criminal proceedings and that everyone is entitled to a complete and rigorous defence.
You can contact Dominque via her Legal Assistant, Kelly Brouwer.
Email: kelly@verdurmenlaw.com
Tel: (250) 833-0914 ext. 201
Or directly at:
Tel: (250) 833-0914 ext. 205

Garrett N. Wynne
Garrett offers general legal services with an emphasis on property law, wills and estates. Garrett also handles the firm's notarial services.

Kelly Brouwer
Kelly Brouwer is Glenn Verdurmen and Dominque Verdurmen’ s Legal Assistant and the firm’s Office Manager.